februari 17, 2020

Cobiax strengthens presence in the North American market

New, but proven: The distribution partner Cobiax USA for the North American market has been around for decades. Now the cooperation is being expanded on a joint basis.

Cobiax USA has been a strong distribution partner in the North American market for decades. With the product launch of the new CLS structural formers last year and the new brand positioning of the technology, the cooperation will now be further intensified and expanded.

Cobiax USA is responsible for all activities in the United States. The special know-how and competence in the field of Cobiax void former technologies thus benefits all building owners, companies, architects and engineers on the North American continent: the contact remains the same and problem solutions are based on the latest and most up-to-date Cobiax technology.

We are pleased that the successful cooperation will be strengthened and continued on a new level.

The Cobiax Team.

Beeld: © Cobiax


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