maart 27, 2019

Large number of participants in Pristina, Kosovo

Informative Seminar about Cobiax technology was held on March 21st at the Venus Hotel Pristina.

On Thursday, 21st of March, Rogovë based company Heinze SHPK organized a great Cobiax gathering for different parties from all over the construction industry in Pristina. The primarily intention of the get-together was to further increase the awareness of our Cobiax technology in Kosovo and all over the Balkan area.

Both Mehmet Kelmendi and Fitim Hoti, Managing Partners of Heinze SHPK, were more than confident with the outcome of the seminar: “ Even more people were attending our seminar than expected. We want to encourage construction in Kosovo to follow the innovative construction technologies that are already used worldwide. Being capable of providing the Cobiax technology through our Kosovo plant gives to all of us a certain Momentum, which we have to make use of!”, claims Fitim Hoti.

Thank you very much to all attendees for being part of that event.

The Cobiax Team.

Image: © Heinze Sh.P.K.


Alle nieuwigheden uit de bouwwereld
Bredere visies als verplichting
Cobiax is meer dan een merk. Het motto „Bredere visies“ gaat verder dan de mogelijkheden die moderne vloertechnologieën bieden. Het is een principe van meer speelruimte voor mensen in de gebouwen waarin ze leven en werken.
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