maart 4, 2019

Successful exhibition appearance in Lahore, Pakistan

From 15th to 17th of February Cobiax Partner “Unison” was taking part in the national exhibition for building materials “IAPEX 2019”.

Unison, who is partnering with Cobiax since January 2019, attracted a high degree of interest throughout the various visitors and other exhibitors.

Both Darren Smith and Abrar Shaikh, Managing Directors and Partners of Unison were more than delighted with the positive resonance.“Our stand kept being frequented from day one on. There was almost no time for deep breaths between the numerous interesting discussions” so the statement of Abrar Shaikh.

The Cobiax family says “Thank you” and sends best regards to Unison, their Managing Directors and last but not least to the whole team involved in the Cobiax business.

The first local Cobiax project, also making use of the latest knowledge in BIM technology, will be executed only in a few weeks!

Image: © Unison Pvt. Limited


Alle nieuwigheden uit de bouwwereld
Bredere visies als verplichting
Cobiax is meer dan een merk. Het motto „Bredere visies“ gaat verder dan de mogelijkheden die moderne vloertechnologieën bieden. Het is een principe van meer speelruimte voor mensen in de gebouwen waarin ze leven en werken.
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